Dubai's Innovative AI-Driven Recruitment: Interviews with a Virtual Twist


David Walsh

June 4, 2024 · 6 min read

Ever wonder how it would look when an avatar who dressed up like an interviewer takes a quiz from a potential candidate for jobs? Seems unrealistic, no it's not! In today’s fast-moving world, those organizations that are utilizing AI-driven technologies have an extra edge over those organizations that are not aware of the goldmine! From writing compelling assignments to unlocking coding techniques, and from machine learning to artificial intelligence virtual interview (AIVI), AI has now replaced human presence which is a blessing in itself. We can say that AI reshaping lives to a great extent. It enables humans to rely on it while they can use their precious time to focus on their other tasks.

The AIVI is a platform that helps recruiters take the initial screening of candidates with no human presence. That is, all the processes of resume uploading, taking basic employee details and initial screening can be done by AI. The communication between the two occurs through voice and chat systems. Interviewees remain seated on the other side of the screen.

Due to its several benefits, now hiring firms in Dubai have started to use an AI recruitment platform. It uses open-source artificial intelligence technologies to streamline the hiring process for employers. With the help of this, employers can:

  • Create accounts

  • Upload job descriptions for AI understanding, and

  • Invite candidates for interviews

This can be accessed by candidates as well. They can view it from a computer, laptop, mobile, or VR headset. Through this portal, candidates can set up their details such as resumes and other basic information. After submitting the details, the AI will ask questions based on the profile. It will assess the candidate’s body language through the webcam.

In this article, you will learn how AI virtual interviews help both employees and employers. We will discuss the features of using these platforms in detail. 

Features of Artificial Intelligence Virtual Interview (AIVI)

Some of the prominent features of this platform are listed below:

  1. Mock or Simulated Interview

  2. Feedback on Performance

  3. Help for Recruiters

Mock / Simulated Interview

These platforms enable candidates to prepare and experience before the actual interview occurs. These are called mock or simulated interviews. The candidate can receive immediate feedback on performance. This enables the candidate to work on his/her skills if he/she is lacking. Also, they can prepare well for future interviews. So, it’s a win-win situation for candidates.

Through this, candidates can level up their skills. It is stated that 80% of candidates under perform or do not perform well due to no or inadequate interview preparation

The VR capabilities of the platform offer the chance to candidates to practice in lifelike environments. It helps them to mitigate nerves and enhance overall interview preparation. Now no more job seekers struggle with a lack of feedback on their interview. As this issue is resolved with the platform's real-time feedback feature

Feedback on Performance

AIVI or artificial intelligence virtual interview minimizes the hours spent on interviews. Also, it offers immediate performance feedback that is the need of an hour! As candidates wait for days and don’t get any response from their employer which results in their time wastage

The AIVI first analyzes the candidate’s profile. Then according to information, it automatically generates questions depending on the skill set and the level of experience the candidate has. Also, it aligns with the job’s requirements. The platform closely assessed candidates' confidence and eye contact. It enhances their self-awareness. Instant feedback is useful as it helps job seekers learn from their mistakes and prepare for future interviews. It is beneficial for both parties

Additionally, this technology saves the time of employers. On average, a hiring manager spends at least 4-5 hours per week doing interviews as per the research found. It is equal to three days of work per month, or we say that 30 days per year

So, for hiring managers it is going to be a game changer. As it frees up their time to focus on other important tasks or improve their core business activities

Undoubtedly, interviews are challenging for candidates and time-consuming for employers. To save precious time, managers should opt to leverage the Artificial Intelligence used to expedite the process.


The hiring agencies in Dubai need to extend AI platform access across the departments, especially in HR.

Due to the fact that robots and automation can solve labor pains for certain sectors. It makes it cost-effective and efficient. For initial interviews, it can be utilized. Chatbots powered by AI can handle initial interactions with candidates and employees. While leveraging tasks on AI, hiring managers can focus on other several important tasks.

According to the CEO of Expert Hub Robotics Jaya Bhatia said,

“Robots today are here to help recruiters in the recruitment process. Robots can welcome and register applicants with ease. It can also chat with them about:

  • Job openings, and

  • Booking the interview day and time, based on the recruiter's availability. This gives a more user-friendly experience to the applicants, while they come for interviews.”

He also stated that,

“We have also developed over 18 Solutions that help Human Resources, and especially the Recruitment process. Some of these are robot interviewer, hiring bot, happiness bot, employee survey bot, HR ambassador bot, training coordinator among others,” she added.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence has changed lives to a greater extent. It enables job seekers to be aware of their actual potential, capabilities, and skill lack. As artificial intelligence virtual interview AIVI platforms’ features inform candidates about himself/herself by providing them feedback on their performance. It saves job seekers time as most of the time they don’t get any response after the interview. It also helps them to know about themselves as self-awareness is necessary to prepare for future interviews. Also, mock interviews are another advantage that AIVI offers to employees. It helps candidates to prepare themselves for the final and actual interview before it occurs. It enables them to prepare well for an interview.

The initial chatbots help access candidates by chatting with them before his/her interview. This platform also has an option to upload resumes and other basic details of candidates. It saves a lot of time for the hiring manager and he can focus on other important business tasks.

At last, we can’t deny the fact that AI has offered much ease in life. By opting for it in an organization, the hours spent on the hiring process will be minimized, It enhances the overall recruitment process and saves both parties time.


What is AIVI?

Artificial intelligence virtual interview is a platform that helps recruiters to take initial level interviews of candidates with no human interaction. It has many features that help candidates to upload their resumes and provide their basic details as required by the employer

What are the benefits of acquiring AIVI?

There are several benefits the AIVI offers, a few of which are

  • It involves no human involvement

  • It saves time for hiring managers

  • Candidates can get quick feedback on performance after the mock interview

  • The chatbot feature talks with candidates on behalf of an employer

  • The hiring manager’s recruiting process will be minimized through it

How does it save time for hiring managers and offer easiness to candidates?

It offers easiness to a candidate by letting them know about their level of skills right after the interview. It helps them in preparing for future interviews. On the other hand, it helps managers in minimize their time by doing the initial interview process on their behalf

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