How to get a job in Dubai from India? #1 Guider


Shini Ramith

September 19, 2023 · 9 min read

How to get a job in Dubai from India? -In order to find a job and work in Dubai UAE, one needs to get a work visa and Employers who are willing to hire you will provide you with this visa. One can enter Dubai with the Job seeking visa and find an employer or otherwise, one can apply for Freelance Visa and become a resident

1. Why is it trending to work in Dubai as an Indian?

Let us picture the following scenario: You are an Indian national living in New Delhi with a major in chemicals. Assuredly, you would like to see it lead you to a decent life. But, you cannot find a job in India that allows you to achieve it.

Fortunately, one friend calls you one day and tells you why you should move to Dubai to work. In other words, he shows you why it is trending to work in Dubai as an Indian. Hence, he explained to you the following terrific advantages of it:

1.1 Excellent salaries

Learning how to get a job in the UAE from India will give you access to excellent salaries. After all, Dubai offers jobs with some of the highest wages in the Middle East. Besides, they even allow you to negotiate your salary offers via email.

On the other hand, getting a job in Dubai from India will give you more than a good salary. In addition, you can find employment in the UAE with excellent benefits, such as health insurance and housing allowances. Undoubtedly, it sounds too good to be true.

1.2 Being safe and secure

As a part of an Islamic nation, Dubai is among the safest and most secure places to live worldwide. It even has safety features regarding your salary, such as the WPS. As a result, it will make you wonder how to apply for a job in Dubai from India.

On the other hand, the UAE has several tools to ensure job security. For instance, you can attend the Dubai Labour Court if you have any legal problem related to your employment. By all odds, it makes getting a job in Dubai from India look like a terrific idea.

1.3 Quality of living

Unequivocally, we will get an excellent quality of living if we get together terrific salaries and high security. Hence, you can improve your life tremendously by learning how to apply for jobs in Dubai from India. Above all, it could involve preparing for informal interviews.

Furthermore, remember that the UAE has one of the most prosperous economies in the region. Consequently, it can offer entertainment, education, and utilities in one place. Assuredly, getting a job in Dubai from India now looks like an excellent option.

1.4 Opportunities Everywhere

With a prosperous economy come great job opportunities everywhere. Undoubtedly, you will not find a better place that proves that than the UAE. After all, it even allows you to begin an internship after graduation in the company of your dreams.Moreover, Dubai is an Emirate where you can find job opportunities in several industries. For instance, it has excellent job offers related to mechanical engineering. Do you now see why it is essential to learn how to go to Dubai for a job?

1.5 Almost everyone speaks English

One of the first questions most Indians have about how to get a job in Dubai from India is the language. After all, it can be an unfortunate barrier if you want to perform a part-time job. However, you will not have to worry about it at all in Dubai.Indeed, most people that live and work in Dubai understand and speak English. Therefore, you will be just fine without knowing Arabic in detail. Nevertheless, you may need a translator to perform activities such as writing a letter for an extension of leave.

2. How to prepare to get a job in Dubai from India

Did you decide to get a job in Dubai from India? Those are excellent news. Nevertheless, now comes one essential step: preparing to work and live in the UAE. Let us discuss how to do it and earn your individual freedom to schedule your work.

First, you cannot learn how to apply for a job in Dubai from India without getting a work visa. Above all, it is an easy document to get if your employer is a company in the UAE. On the contrary, you will need to enter Dubai on a tourist visa.

Second, you will need a health card to work as a computer operator in Dubai. Indeed, you must submit your medical records and blood test results to the Department of Health and Medical Services to get one. It will allow local companies to see that you are disease free.

Finally, understanding how to get a job in the UAE from India involves applying for one successfully. Hence, it is essential that you build an excellent CV online. When it is ready, you must use one of the tools we will show you in our following subject.

3. What must you do to find a job in Dubai as an Indian?

Once you finish building your CV online, you can begin to find a job in Dubai as an Indian. Assuredly, you may think it is challenging considering the long distance and cultural differences. Nonetheless, you can get a job in Dubai from India more easily than you can imagine.

In essence, learning how to apply for jobs in Dubai from India is no different from doing so in other places. Therefore, you can do so using one of the three tools we will show you. As a result, you will be the ideal candidate for the job you want.

On the other hand, remember that Dubai is an Emirate where technological advances emerge constantly. Therefore, you can find additional ways to get a job in Dubai from India. Feel free to use them to begin planning how to go to Dubai for a job.

Let us discuss the ways you can find a job in Dubai from India today:

3.1 Online job platforms

Undoubtedly, you can begin this professional journey by getting a job in Dubai from India through online job platforms. Indeed, they post numerous job opportunities every day. Ergo, it is one of the easiest ways to find a job in Dubai for freshers today.

Most importantly, using online job platforms requires a noticeable CV to stand out from the crow. In this sense, you should follow some tips to create a CV that will blow employers’ minds. After all, it is an essential part of learning how to get jobs in Dubai from India.

3.2 Recruitment agencies

An online job platform is an option for active job seekers. But what if you want experts to look for and find the perfect job for you? In that case, you will need recruitment agencies to help you get a job in Dubai from India.

Indeed, recruitment agencies can show you how to get a job in Dubai from India. Above all, numerous companies in the UAE use them to find potential candidates for their available positions. In other words, their job posts are your ticket to success in Dubai.

3.3 Social media

One tool many people do not think can help them get a job in Dubai is social media. However, several companies post job offers on their social media profiles today. They can even be for management or supervision roles in their organizations.

Above all, social media platforms allow companies to assess millions of potential candidates in one place. So, keep your social media posts professional and evaluate your desired company through their profile. Who knows? It can make your process of getting a job in Dubai from India much shorter.

4. In-Demand skills and job positions in Dubai

You now know how to get a job in Dubai from India. Nevertheless, it does not reveal anything about the jobs you can get in the UAE. Most importantly, it is essential that you discover the most demanded skills and job positions in Dubai today.

In this sense, our team performed excellent research and discovered five professions with demand from associations and organizations in Dubai. Consequently, we will show you what each implies to allow you to choose the one that suits you. Or, you can choose another for a decent life in the Emirate.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that such job positions’ demand may change in the following months or years. Thus, remember that learning how to get a job in Dubai from India involves keeping track of them. On the contrary, you may find that your skills are no longer needed.

Let us show you the most demanded skills and job positions in Dubai today:

4.1 Data Scientist

In essence, a data scientist analyzes and interprets data to extract valuable insights from it. Above all, you can get a job in Dubai from India in this branch by learning about data mining and statistical analysis. Furthermore, it can allow you to earn between AED 10,000 and AED 35,000.

4.2 Software Engineer

Being a software engineer is an ambition several people have not achieved. The professional in this position must be an expert in development, analytics, testing, and troubleshooting. Do you have these skills? Then, you should learn how to apply for a job in Dubai from India to get it.

4.3 Financial Analyst

Are you proficient with financial software applications and statistical analysis processes? If you are, you should search jobs of financial analyst positions in Dubai. Above all, you would have to evaluate economic data and help with investment decisions in your organization.

4.4 Freelancer

Dubai is an oasis for freelancing nowadays. Indeed, tools like the Freelance Visa allow self-employed professionals to live and work in the UAE. Therefore, you should consider learning how to find a job in Dubai from India as a successful freelancer.

On the other hand, remember that you can perform numerous professions as a freelancer in Dubai. Hence, your workload and earnings will depend on which activities you provide in the Emirate. Keep it in mind when you seek the attention of active recruiters on LinkedIn.

4.5 Marketing Specialist

Several organizations in Dubai are looking for ways to improve their advertising strategies and enhance their brand. Fortunately, you can help them in this matter by being their marketing specialist. However, you can only apply for this job if you have excellent writing and communication.

5. Where can you find more information about how to get a job in Dubai from India?

In short, do not feel bad if you think the Indian employment market does not offer what you want. Instead, you can evaluate other countries to boost your professional career tremendously. For instance, you can assess the Middle East by learning how to get a job in Dubai from India.

Getting a job in Dubai from India is not an impossible task to perform. But it can turn into a challenging one without proper knowledge. Fortunately, you can learn how to apply for jobs in Dubai from India and more through The Talent Point.

Let us help you get a job in Dubai from India in no time. All you need to do is to sign up at and apply for one of our excellent job offers. Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact our team via email at [email protected].

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