UAE Labour Category List & Profession Skill Level Categories by MOHRE


Shini Ramith

October 17, 2023 · 5 min read

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) has established a comprehensive system for classifying professions into various skill levels. These skill level categories are aligned with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) issued by the International Labour Organization. Understanding these categories is vital, as they hold significance in the realms of employment, visa eligibility, and labor regulations in the UAE.

The UAE's Labour Category List & Profession Skill Level Categories

MOHRE classifies employment into nine professional levels, each with distinct criteria and qualifications. Let's delve into these UAE labour categories list to gain a comprehensive understanding:

Level 1: Legislators, Managers, and Business Executives

This category encompasses professionals at the highest level. These individuals often hold advanced degrees or significant qualifications in their respective fields. Examples include managers, engineers, doctors, teachers, accountants, and marketing specialists. Their monthly salary is typically above AED 12,000, and they must possess an attested degree certificate.

Skill Level 1:

  • Manager

  • Engineer

  • Doctor

  • Teacher

  • Accountant

  • Lawyer

  • Marketing Specialist

  • Quantity Surveyor

  • Draughtsman

  • Executive Secretary

  • Pharmacist

  • Administration Officer

  • Public Relations Officer

  • Computer Operator

  • Advertising Designer

  • Software Developer

  • Graphic Designer

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Level 2: Professionals in Scientific, Technical, and Human Fields

The second skill level includes professionals with specific technical skills. These individuals typically have completed a diploma or equivalent qualification in their area of expertise. Examples of professions in this category are technicians, mechanical workers, and others. Their monthly salary should not be less than AED 7,000, and they must hold a post-secondary education attested certificate.

Skill Level 2:

  • Technician

  • Laboratory Technician

  • Mechanical Engineer

  • IT Specialist

  • Radiographer

  • Electrical Engineer

  • Architect

  • Interior Designer

  • Quality Control Analyst

  • Radiographer

  • Laboratory Technician

  • Computer Operator

Level 3: Technicians in Scientific, Technical, and Humanitarian Fields

Individuals in this category have completed their high school or higher secondary education. Professions such as sales executives, supervisors, administration clerks, and receptionists fall into this group. For Level 3, the salary requirement is AED 5,000, and employees must hold a secondary education certificate.

Skill Level 3:

  • Sales Executive

  • Sales Representative

  • Receptionist

  • Cashier

  • Site Supervisor

  • Administration Clerk

  • Correspondence Clerk

  • Ticketing Clerk

  • Customs Clearing Clerk

  • Store Keeper

  • Tourist Guide

Level 4 and 5: Unskilled Workers

Level 4 and 5 include unskilled workers who do not require specific qualifications. These roles may encompass general laborers, housekeepers, construction laborers, cleaners, and office boys. The previous salary criteria of AED 12,000, AED 7,000, and AED 5,000 to avoid a labor ban have been eliminated under the new UAE Labor Law Resolution.

Skill Level 4 and 5 (Unskilled Workers):

  • General Laborer

  • Housekeeper

  • Office Boy

  • Helper

  • Cleaner

  • Loading and Unloading Worker

  • Construction Laborer

It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and there can be variations in job classifications. The specific skill level of a profession is determined based on factors such as qualifications, responsibilities, and salary, as outlined by MOHRE.

Skill Level Impact on Visa Eligibility

The skill level of an individual's profession has a direct influence on their visa eligibility. Understanding your skill level is essential, as it determines the type of visa you are eligible for, your employment rights, and the labor laws that apply to you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the skill levels in the UAE?

According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE), there are five skill levels, ranging from Skill Level 1 for highly skilled people to Skill Level 5 for the lower skilled. Skill levels 1, 2, and 3 require attested educational certificates while jobs of skill levels 4 and 5 do not need attestation.

2. How do you know your skill level?

Your skill level is mentioned as the first digit of your job code. To know what your job code is, you can contact the MOHRE call centre on 600 69 0000.

3. Does your skill level affect any other aspect of life in the UAE?

Worker’s skill level does not affect the person’s ability to sponsor their families, as it has been removed from the list of criteria for applying for a family visa. Any worker fulfilling the income criteria, which is a minimum salary of Dh4,000 or Dh3,000 plus accommodation, can sponsor family member’s visa, according to

4. What is the 4th or 5th skill level in the UAE?

Skill Levels 4 and 5 include general laborers, housekeepers, office boys, helpers, cleaners, construction laborers, loading and unloading workers, and other positions.

5. What is the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd skill level in the UAE?

  • Skill Level 1 includes managers, engineers, safety officers, public relations officers, doctors, quantity surveyors, and reservation officers.

  • Skill Level 2 includes mechanical and technical jobs.

  • Professions in Skill Level 3 include sales executives, sales representatives, site supervisors, ticketing clerks, cashiers, receptionists, cash desk clerks, sales supervisors, store keepers, tourist guides, and others.

6. Who is considered as a skilled worker as per MOHRE?

Labor is classified as skilled work if it fulfills all the conditions listed below:

  • The worker must be at a professional level (one among the first to fifth levels mentioned above).

  • The worker has obtained a certificate higher than the secondary certificate or an equivalent certificate.

  • The certificate must be attested by the competent authorities.

  • The monthly salary (excluding commission) of the worker must not be less than AED 4,000.

What Does It Mean for You?

Whether you are an employer looking to hire foreign talent or an expatriate seeking employment in the UAE, comprehending the UAE's profession skill level categories is essential. These categories serve as a guide for visa applications, employment regulations, and labor market dynamics. By aligning your profession with the correct skill level, you can navigate the UAE's employment landscape more effectively.

Final Thoughts

The UAE's profession skill level categories offer a structured framework for classifying and regulating its diverse workforce. By understanding the skill level that corresponds to your profession, you can ensure a smooth visa application process and compliance.

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